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A Culture of Collaboration to Ignite Discovery in Medicine
Steve Kay spurs team science to change the landscape of health, as head of convergent research initiatives at the Keck School of Medicine of USC.

USC’s Michelson Hall, a hub for biotech research, is ready to change the world
Hear how faculty and students at the USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience will discover new frontiers in medicine and health. Interdisciplinary teams will work together to better understand health and to develop new life-saving devices and therapeutics. https://youtu.be/GSW3h4k7W38

See our Agilent robot in action: https://youtu.be/ImsJFCGZ-d8
Keck School of Medicine of USC – Research in 60 Seconds
- USC researchers uncover biological circuit that protects plants from extreme conditions
- Breakthrough brings potential glioblastoma drug into focus
- Is year-round daylight saving time a good idea? Maybe not
- Cancer has a biological clock and this drug may keep it from ticking, USC Dornsife News
- Disease risk seen in disrupted biological clock, USC study shows
- Discovery of Chemical That Affects Biological Clock Offers New Way to Treat Diabetes
- Researchers Discover Compound with Potent Effects on Biological Clock
- Biologists Discover Biochemical Link Between Biological Clock and Diabetes